Where Play, Nature, and Mindfulness Blossom into Lifelong Learning

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  • Play-based learning

  • Hands-on experiences

  • Outdoor exploration

  • Curiosity-driven

  • Creative exploration


  • Responsive caregiving

  • Confidence building

  • Self-expression and mindfulness

  • Social and emotional learning

  • A learning community


  • Kindergarten readiness skills

  • Spanish language acquisition

  • Project-based

  • Student-centered

  • Personalized and unique

Caregiving, curiosity, creativity, and self expression in the curriculum

At Little Buddhas, we structure a daily routine that teaches foundational academic concepts in preschool. This developmental curriculum also caters to the whole child and other areas of development: physical, social, and emotional.

We understand that building a strong sense of self is foundational for young children. They are learning who they are in this world. We support this process by allowing room for their highest potential to be met. We scaffold instruction when necessary, and allow them freedom to express themselves through art, music, dramatic play, free play, sharing their expertise, and healthy emotional expression.

Students feel seen, heard, and supported in our welcoming school environment.

Abbie continues her education through ongoing professional development opportunities, observation, and reflection. She is passionate about sharing her expertise as the Teacher of Little Buddhas Preschool.

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